About Us
Direct Adhesives have been supplying industrial adhesives since 1996. We have forged strong partnerships with our customers and supply partners, developing long-lasting relationships that really deliver. As Premium Partners of Henkel, we can offer the highest standards of performance and quality, combined with local knowledge and support, to help you get the best from your adhesive process.
Sustainability is a key area of focus in 2024 and with innovations such as Technomelt Supra 081 ECO, the world’s first carbon negative hot melt adhesive, you can start having an impact straight away. We can introduce you to novel ideas, such as pallet stabilisation with Technomelt Supra Easyflow, taking you through initial trials all the way to line installations, supporting you all the way.
We have partnerships with equipment providers, such as Timmer Pumps GmbH and Power Adhesives Limited, as well as very close relationships with all of the leading adhesive application equipment suppliers, so we can facilitate every aspect of the bonding process. If it needs glueing, we can cover it all!
A big part of what makes us unique are the people that work at Direct Adhesives. With many years of experience and an in-depth knowledge of adhesives and their usage we can provide a pragmatic approach to your process. Here is a little bit more detail about our team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need anything at all.

Denise Walmsley
I have worked at Direct Adhesives from the very beginning and have over 30 years experience in the adhesives industry. There have been tremendous advances in technology over that time and I love helping our customers see how they can benefit from new products. I particularly enjoy helping customers resolve problems, providing them with solutions that save them time and so reduce their costs.
denise@directadhesives.co.uk telephone: 01525 381111

Aidan Baldwin
With over 15 years experience in the packaging industry, I have particular expertise in adhesive dispensing. Having this knowledge and applying it at Direct Adhesives gives me a unique approach with my customers. I have seen lots of changes in the way customers produce their products and I can help them adopt the latest packaging techniques and adhesives. I am constantly striving to help my customers be the best they can be and I pride myself on helping my customers with any situation or issue they may encounter.
aidan@direct adhesives.co.uk mobile: 07467 510617

Jon McCaugherty
Having been in the adhesives industry for nearly 40 years, I have seen tremendous growth in new technology over that time. For example, Technomelt Supra Polyolefin hot melt adhesives (PO) for end of line packaging and Technomelt Cool technology to improve productivity have both become dominant in this market. Having a technical background helps me figure out the best way for my customers to optimise their use of adhesives. I particularly enjoy sharing adhesives knowledge, creating greater understanding and so, better utilisation of our adhesives as part of the production process.
jon@directadhesives.co.uk mobile: 07917 675206

Rob Phillips
For more than 20 years, I have been working for market leading adhesive companies, which has given me a deep understanding of differing market needs. I have held both technical and commercial roles, providing a broad business perspective. I am driven by a passion for delivering quantifiable differences for our customers and seeing the value that we can bring to them and their businesses. I enjoy sharing my experience and ensuring that we offer the very best in service, knowledge, technical support and sustainability.
rob@directadhesives.co.uk mobile: 07739 302284

Aaron Johnston
Since 2001 I have worked in the manufacturing operation for Direct Adhesives. In addition to running the production facility at our Coventry site, I am now also focussed on generating new business. Using my knowledge of adhesives manufacturing brings a fresh approach with our customers. Direct Adhesives have a unique business proposition, allowing them to be a “one-stop shop” for everything connected with adhesives and with my breadth of experience, I can help our customers benefit from that.
aaron@directadhesives.co.uk mobile: 07854 090240